Course Name: Red Hat Openshift Administration



Red Hat Openshift Administration I (DO280) is used for system administrators how to install, configure, and manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform clusters.



Install, configure, monitor, and manage an OpenShift cluster,


Install, configure, and manage persistent storage for an OpenShift cluster,


Deploy applications on an OpenShift cluster using Source-to-Image (S2I) builds.

Course Overview

OpenShift is a containerized application platform that allows enterprises to manage container deployments and scale their applications using Kubernetes. OpenShift provides predefined application environments and builds upon Kubernetes to provide support for DevOps principles such as reduced time to market, infrastructure as code, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD).



RHCSA certification or equivalent Linux administration experience is required,


If you are having work experience in software is also good,


Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift (DO180) is highly recommended, or equivalent experience with containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift basics,


Installing Linux Operating System and entry level commands called (touch,cat,cd,pwd,ls,history,vim,cp,mv) and Basic yaml and json code's.

Topics In Topics In Red Hat Openshift Administration

Features of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform,

Overview of OpenShift Container Platform Architecture,

Openshift importent terms ( project,application,s2i,image stream,networking,resources,storage ).

what is ansible...?,

Installing and Configuring a Master and Nodes,

Introduction to YAML,

Troubleshooting the Installation Using Log Files,

Fixing the ImageStream Resources for Offline Environments,

Configuring htpasswd Authentication.

Describing OpenShift Implementation of software-defined networking (SDN),

OpenShift Network Topology,

Getting Traffic into and out of the Cluster ( HostPort/HostNetwork,NodePort ),

creating routes and routing options and types ( Edge Termination,Pass-through Termination,Re-encryption Termination ),

Monitoring Routes.

Accessing Resources from the Managed OpenShift Instance with CLI ( nodes,services,pods,projects,deploymentConfigs,users ),

OpenShift Resource Types ( Container,Image,Pod,Label,Volume,Node,Service,Route,Replication Controller,Dc,Bc,Build,s2i,Secret,Project ),

Creating Applications Using oc new-app,

Troubleshooting Common Issues,

OpenShift Troubleshooting Commands.

Securing Access to OpenShift Resources,

Type of users,

Managing User Membership with CLI and GUI,

Security Context Constraints (SCCs),

Authentication and Authorization Layers,

Authentication Types ( Basic Authentication (Remote),Request Header Authentication,Keystone Authentication,LDAP Authentication,etc..,),

Managing Sensitive Information with Secrets,

OpenShift Container Platform Authorization,

OpenShift and SELinux.

Providing Persistent Storage for an Application ( PV and PVC ),

OpenShift-supported Plug-ins for Persistent Storage ( NFS,GlusterFS,OpenStack Cinder,Ceph RBD,AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS),iSCSI),

Creating PVs and PVC Resources,

Using Supplemental Groups for File-based Volumes,

Using FS Groups for Block Storage-based Volumes,

SELinux and Volume Security,

Configuring the OpenShift Internal Registry for Persistence.

Replication Controllers,

Changing the Number of Replicas for an Application,

Autoscaling Pods,

Introduction to the OpenShift Scheduler Algorithm,

Unschedulable Nodes,

Managing Images, Image Streams, and Templates,

Instant App and QuickStart Templates.

Describing the Architecture of the Metrics Subsystem,

Metrics Subsystem Components (Heapster,Hawkular Metrics,Hawkular Agent,Cassandra),

Accessing Heapster and Hawkular,

Providing Persistent Storage for Cassandra,

Deploying the Metrics Subsystem,

Verifying the Deployment of the Metrics Subsystem,

Ansible Variables for the Metrics Subsystem,

Uninstalling the Metrics Subsystem.

Limiting Resource Usage and Resource Requests and Limits for Pods,

Managing Quotas,

Upgrading OpenShift Container Platform,

Performing an Automated Cluster Upgrade,

Monitoring Applications with Probes in CLI and GUI,

Monitoring Resources with the Web Console,

Managing Metrics with Hawkular.

Reviewing Red Hat OpenShift Administration I,

General OpenShift Container Platform Hints,

Installing OpenShift,

Deploy an Application.



Linux system administrator they know how to deploy the container and they are know manage PaaS cloud models.