Python is a popular programming language. Latest version of python 3.7, It has simple easy-to-use syntax, making it the perfect language for someone trying to learn computer programming for the first time, Python will support multiple platforms. like as Windows,Linux,Mac. Python is like as java , but compare then java it is very easy to understand, Python is object oriented programming language, we can use that object code on any platforms.
The objective of Python training is to learn the basics of writing the Python script,
The course structure offers detailed knowledge of scripting elements like variables and flows control,
Python training introduces beginners to basics and afterward to reach advanced levels of the language.
Python is a deciphered, object-situated, highly standardized programming dialect with dynamic semantics. Its top-level worked in information structures, in combination with dynamic composing and dynamic authoritative; make it exceptionally appealing for Quick Application Advancement. It is ideal for use as a scripting or glue dialect to interface existing segments together. Python’s basic, simple to learn sentence structure underscores comprehensibility and accordingly lessens the expense of program support. Python underpins modules and packaging, which empowers program measured quality and code reuse. The Python mediator and the broad standard library are accessible in source or binary shape without charge for every single significant platform. They can be uninhibitedly available for distribution..
To learn Python it is good that you have basic knowledge of coding,
If you are having work experience in software is also good,
Python training becomes much easier if you learn languages like C, C#, and Java,
Basic knowledge of loops, arrays, and standard libraries is also beneficial.
Python training upgrades your coding skills. As python is flexible and easy to learn the language, it makes you more productive. You also get good understanding of data libraries like pandas, NumPy and matplotlib. Python provides the fine level of control over coding, as a programmer can easily code a one a line to a complicated code with equal ease.
Learning python as such does not require any deep knowledge of programming. But if you have prior experience of coding and programming than it is a plus point for the learner.
History of Python,
Advantages of Python,
Compiler vs Interpreter,
Difference between Python2 and Python3.
Create your first python program,
Running Python (Interactive mode, Script Mode),
Shebang line,
Python File extensions,
Comments (single line, Multi line),
Quotes and Escaping characters,
Read from Standard Input,
Write to Standard Output.
Data types Numbers and Strings, Lists, Tuple, Dictionar,
Variable declaration,
String Formatting,
Slicing and Special variables,
Data type conversion.
Arithmetic operators,
Assignment and Shorthand operators,
Comparison and Logical operators,
Membership and Identity operators,
Concatenation and Repetition operators.
If – else statements,
for loop,
While loop,
Loop Control statements.
Numeric and String Functions,
Lists Functions,
Tuple Functions,
Dictionary Functions,
Empty / Remove variables.
Sets declaration and Functions,
Looping Techniques,
List Comprehensions,
Generators and Decorators.
User Defined Functions,
Function with arguments (keyword and default),
Function with variable length arguments,
Local variables,
Lambda functions,
Functional programming tools.
Creating and Opening a file,
Reading contents from a file,
Writing contents into a file,
Renaming and Deleting a file,
Create, Remove and Change directory.
Pattern Matching,
Substitution Operator,
Regex Modifiers,
Special Characters.
Errors in python (Syntax, Runtime, Logical),
Exception Handling,
Try, Except and Finally,
Built-in errors,
Raise exceptions.
Creating a module,
Importing modules and functions,
Finding a module,
Python Packages Index,
Third party module Installation.
System module,
OS module,
Date and Time module,
Signal Handling.
Features of OOPS,
Classes and Objects,
Overloading methods,
Overriding methods.
Install Mysql driver,
How to create a connection,
How to create a database and tables,
Mysql using curd operation.
Threading and Multithreading,
Thread Lock,
Queue and Dequeue,
web -page Analysis,
Different ways to extract data from web page,
Inspecting the Page,
How to scrape websites with python and BeautifulSoup.
Importing the module – tkinter,
Create the main window (container),
Add any number of widgets to the main window,
Apply the event Trigger on the widgets,
Install Page Gui Builder on Linux or Windows,
How to use Page Gui Builder ,
Finally simply create a gui application using Page gui builder.
Flask Introduction,
First Flask Application,
Flask App routing,
Flask URL Building,
Flask Templatesk.
Django Environment,
Django creating a project,
Django Url mapping,
Django using template system,
Django using creating views,
Django using create a web-site.